we employed an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) technique, investing in accelerating top-performing teamwork, which guided the communities through self-determined change. Positive dialogue among diverse multi-stakeholders enabled the co-management of communities’ issues and put their solutions into action.
We believe together we could change the world……
Transformative Planning and Social innovation Lab
Co-created Approach

- Brand strategy
- Employer Branding
- Change management
- Climate survey: Readiness for Change
- Consumer Insights
- Customer Experience Management
- Creative problem-solving and decision-making
- Participatory and Team Development
- Integrated marketing communications
- Innovation
- Climate Friendly Management
- Tourism marketing and management
- Service Excellence for Hotels
- Sales and Yield Management
- Event and Incentive Program
- Organization transformation
- Leadership and management development
- People competency development
- Presentation skills
- Service quality development
- Strategic planning and management
- Talent and high potential development
- Team building
- Community Development